All our interactive kiosks and touch screen internet terminals come with a specially designed kiosk software package, which includes secure kiosk browser (TopLock Browser), kiosk interface customisation module (TopLock Tools), kiosk uptime facilitator (StartC) and remote kiosk management capability to ensure effective kiosk deployment and maximum kiosk uptime.

TopLock Kiosk Browser is a public browser interface solution we pre install on our kiosks. It has functionality, look and feel of a typical browser but is designed for public use on kiosks and makes it impossible to interfere with kiosk’s system, move or delete files, close applications or shut down kiosk operating system.
In addition, our TopLock Kiosk Browser includes advanced user functions such as:
- Restricted internet surfing,
- Video and photo email functionality,
- Payment collection,
- Advertising and payment management,
- Collection of user statistics.

TopLock Tools software module allows to create, configure and easily customise kiosk public browser interface (PBI). Here are just a few examples of user interfaces that were created:

This program is continuously monitoring kiosk’s status and protects kiosks from crashes and hangups. It possesses a functionality to monitor, independently of OS, all kiosk applications and programs. Moreover, it will automatically close and restart kiosk’s software if applications do not respond and will send a log file to our kiosk network operation centre for engineers to rectify problems.
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